Tooth-Colored Fillings

Decayed tooth restoration with composite filling

Years ago, a filling was a filling, and there was no choice in the matter. It was metal and gray, required Novocain, lots of patience, a noisy drill, and pink water to spit out.

Modern cosmetic dentistry has changed all that. You can still opt for a metal amalgam filling, although the way it’s done will be quicker, quieter and more comfortable. Also called silver fillings, they consist of approximately 50% mercury, 35% silver, 15% tin, and a trace of zinc. This amalgam of metals is packed tightly into the cavity and is durable. It tends to expand and contract when in contact with hot or cold foods and drinks. This can eventually crack or break the tooth, or cause the filling to fall out. It also tends to darken over time, even darkening the entire tooth.

There’s another choice

You can opt for tooth-colored fillings, also called white fillings, which are made of a composite resin, also called dental bonding. The composite resin consists of plastic and silicon dioxide (which is glass). It was first used in the 1960s but since then has been greatly improved and strengthened, and can be used on back teeth, holding up extremely well to the wear and tear.

The procedure

A white filling is placed in layers and a special light is used to harden each layer. When enough composite material is in the tooth, Dr. Aggarwal will sculpt its contours to blend with the rest of the tooth’s shape. This filling is now a part of the tooth, rather than being a separate substance packed into the cavity, like a metal filling.

The final step is to polish it, and now you have a white filling that matches your natural tooth color, and which will support the tooth, helping to prevent damage and insulating it from heat and cold.

Cosmetic dentistry is both an art and a science, and Dr. Aggarwal is highly qualified from both angles. She can to assess your overall dental situation, suggest good possibilities for improving it, and help you decide on the best procedures for a bright new smile. Contact us today for your confidential consultation.