Inlays & Onlays

Onlay ceramic crown fixation over tooth

The terms inlay and onlay refer to porcelain fillings. If the decay is within the cusps of the tooth, an inlay is done, and if it extends over the cusps to the outer tooth surface, an onlay is done. The only difference is the greater extent of an onlay.

Comparison with metal fillings

Inlays and onlays are conservative solutions for tooth decay. An old-style metal filling requires much more removal of healthy tooth tissue. Why? Because those metal fillings were packed into the cavity without being bonded to the tooth. That means the cavity must be shaped so as to contain the metal amalgam securely and hold it there for years.

But over the years, as you eat and drink both hot and cold substances, the metal expands and contracts in response to those temperature changes, putting stress on the remaining tooth and sometimes breaking or cracking it. Or sometimes the old metal filling will loosen and even fall out.

Porcelain inlays and onlays are bonded to the tooth with a dental resin. That makes them part of the tooth, and they protect and strengthen that tooth.

The procedure

Dr. Aggarwal takes an impression of the tooth and in his own lab onsite, has an inlay or onlay custom made to fit your tooth exactly. After sending the impression to a lab, you will have temporaries placed for two weeks then the final restoration will be permanently cemented.  It’s that easy.  Dr. Aggarwal bonds that inlay or onlay to your tooth. She matches the color of the porcelain to your natural tooth enamel, so that nobody can tell where your tooth ends and the filling begins.

Because the inlay or onlay has been so precisely made to fit, there’s no space between it and your tooth, which means bacteria can’t get in there to cause any decay.

Cosmetic dentistry is both an art and a science, and Dr. Aggarwal is highly qualified from both angles. She can to assess your overall dental situation, suggest good possibilities for improving it, and help you decide on the best procedures for a bright new smile. Contact us today for your confidential consultation.