Implant Dentistry


Dr. Aggarwal offers the full array of cosmetic dentistry, and one of its solid components is implant dentistry. If you have one or more missing teeth, this is a procedure for you to consider. It’s not wise to leave gaps in your teeth for very long. Your surrounding teeth will gradually move to try and fill the gap. And in the meantime, your teeth may not be meeting correctly and may slowly put unnecessary wear and tear on each other.

Dental implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root which is embedded in the jawbone permanently. It holds an artificial tooth which will be strongly attached to it and will look, feel, and function like one of your natural teeth. Implants can also support dental bridges if you have more than one tooth missing.

Implants are made from titanium (as are many other replacements used in surgery, such as hip and knee replacements). Titanium and bone do well at fusing with each other. The titanium implants have tiny grooves around them to facilitate bone attachment, and bone tissue seems to have an affinity with titanium, so that it readily grows close around it, holding it in place.

How are implants done?

First, Dr. Aggarwal will assess your medical history and evaluate your dental health. There needs to be adequate height and density in the jawbone to hold the implants. If she decides you’re a good candidate, she’ll do a digital scan of your mouth to determine exactly where to place the implant. She’ll choose the right size implant and plan the insertion so as to avoid touching any nerves.

There will be two visits. In the first visit, Dr. Aggarwal will insert the implant. Then several months will go by while your mouth heals and the jawbone grows in around the implant, anchoring it strongly.

In the second visit, Dr. Aggarwal will attach your new tooth to the top of the implant. That’s all there is to it.

Advantages of implant dentistry

  • Your natural teeth will stay in their correct positions
  • The presence of the implant will prevent the jawbone from shrinking
  • You’ll have a full set of teeth, which will help maintain your facial structure and avoid unnecessary signs of aging
  • You’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods
  • The new tooth or teeth will closely match your natural teeth, so that you can smile with confidence

Cosmetic dentistry is both an art and a science, and Dr. Aggarwal is highly qualified from both angles. She can to assess your overall dental situation, suggest good possibilities for improving it, and help you decide on the best procedures for a bright new smile. Contact us today for your confidential consultation.