Our Practice

Our friendly, compassionate and competent staff is dedicated to you and will ensure your comfort and quality care. We provide the best and latest in technology and treatment options. We provide gentle, family-oriented care to the adults and children of our community here and surrounding areas.

Dr. Anandika Aggarwal’s Mission

“To offer the very best in comprehensive aesthetic dentistry to our patients.”

dentist patient showing her perfect smile

When searching for a cosmetic dentist, it is important to do your research. You have many choices in the San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Walnut Creek, California area; in order to make sure you choose the right dentist for your needs, you will have to evaluate several candidates on a variety of criteria.

Continuing education is very important to Dr. Aggarwal. She understands that in order to provide the best possible cosmetic dentistry care, she must stay current on all of the latest advances and techniques in the field. As a result, she regularly takes courses to ensure his skills remain at a high level.

We accomplish this through the most advanced, state-of-the-art equipment, materials, laboratory and education.

Our patients receive the highest quality dental treatment in a warm, friendly atmosphere and establish a long term relationship with our team that extends far beyond the dental office.

happy family lying on the floor at home

Payment Options

Dr. Anandika Aggarwal wants you to know that there is financing for elective Cosmetic Dentistry work available through his partner lenders: Care Credit Dental Plan. You can save time by getting immediate approval so your finances are in order before scheduling out appointments.

Care credit logo

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Aggarwal uses the most state-of-the-art technology with all of his patients. She firmly believes that using the very best equipment will make a difference in your results. By employing cutting edge technology, Dr. Anderson is able to deliver long lasting, aesthetically beautiful results in a safe, pain-free manner.

Some of the technology you will benefit from at Dr. Anderson’s office includes:

  • Laser treatments
  • Digital x-rays
  • Electric hand-pieces

Dr. Aggarwal truly cares about each and every patient that walks into his office. She will always spend the time to get to know you in order to provide highly personalized care that meets all of your unique individual needs. By building meaningful, long lasting relationships with his patients, Dr. Anderson has been able develop a strong degree of loyalty. After years of dedicated service, many of his patients have come to feel like they are part of the family.

Over the years, Dr. Aggarwal has carefully hand-picked each and every staff member to ensure that they all meet his rigorous standards of skill, experience, and customer service. The end result is one of the finest cosmetic dentistry staffs ever assembled. When you arrive at the office, you will find the staff to be friendly, professional, and highly skilled at their craft.