
Sad bearded middle-aged man

Many people who suffer from TMJ, also known as TMD may also suffer from depression. Why? One reason is that often their symptoms are brushed off as being imagined or without physical cause. Another reason is that the symptoms are misdiagnosed and a remedy suggested which gives only temporary pain relief at best.

A third reason is that when you deal with physical pain for a long period, chemical changes occur in the brain and these new chemicals can cause depression. On top of that, fighting chronic pain is a tiring way to live, and fatigue and depression can both set in, each feeding into the other.

TMD is not a well-known or well-established condition. The symptoms can appear to be unrelated, they can come and go, and there can be other quite separate causes for some of them, even while you may still have TMD causing others.

Some insurance companies won’t recognize TMD symptoms as valid, and won’t pay to have them diagnosed or treated. Research into TMD is ongoing.

If you have any of these symptoms, don’t delay in consulting an experienced neuromuscular dentist. If the cause is dental, there is a remedy. TMD treatment can be applied, and the first step of that treatment will be relieving pain.

  • TMD Symptoms
  • Headaches (migraines)
  • Jaw pain, popping sounds and limited movement
  • Facial pain, sore teeth, and ringing in the ears
  • Neck and shoulder pain, and tingling or numbness in the arms and hands

If you have painful symptoms that continue in spite of any painkiller prescriptions you have been given, please contact us for an initial consultation. Dr. Aggarwal will be glad to listen to your concerns, and answer questions, and together you can determine what might be the best step to take next.