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The headaches caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) can be very severe and can disable a person while they last. They are a tension headache, a result of the chronic jaw tension, and give a feeling that the head is being squeezed or compressed.

Migraines vs. TMD headaches

Headaches Migraines and TMD headaches are often confused. Neither type is completely understood and research is ongoing about both of them. There is no standard test for diagnosing migraine headaches; each physician diagnoses it based on past experience and knowledge.

If you have been told that your headaches are migraines, you might want to question that, especially if you also experience any other TMD symptoms. Migraines and TMD headaches have different physiological causes and should be treated differently.

A migraine headache is one symptom of a disease known as Migraine, which is thought to be hereditary. These headaches are vascular – they involve dilation of blood vessels in the head, and are triggered by a number of events, some controllable and some not, such as weather conditions, menstrual cycles, bright light, and alcohol. They’re often on only one side of the head.

A TMD headache is a tension headache – it does not necessarily involve blood vessel dilation, but rather is the result of long-term jaw muscle tension. This tension causes jaw joint inflammation which can extend into the nerves of the area. The largest of these is the trigeminal nerve, which runs on each side from the spine, below the ears, and through the entire head and face. It has large branches and when a particular branch is inflamed, pain will be felt in that area.

Reducing your pain

Consulting an experienced neuromuscular dentist is the best move you can make. But meanwhile, regardless of the exact cause of your headaches, there are some things you can try for yourself which may help reduce the pain:

  • Use a cold compress or a heat pack, whichever seems to help the most
  • Eat only soft foods that require little chewing
  • Lie down in a quiet dark place for a while
  • Be sure to get enough sleep
  • Plan your days such that you have downtime and relief from stressful situations
  • Try taking a hot bath or shower to increase circulation
  • Try to avoid remaining in the same position for long periods
  • Maintain the best posture that you can, with shoulders down, chin tucked in somewhat, buttocks and tummy pulled in.
  • TMD Symptoms
  • Jaw pain, popping sounds and limited movement
  • Facial pain, sore teeth, and ringing in the ears
  • Neck and shoulder pain, and tingling or numbness in the arms and hands
  • Depression and fatigue

If you have any of these symptoms and would like to learn whether their cause might be a dental one, please contact us for an initial consultation. Dr. Aggarwal will be glad to listen to your concerns, and answer questions, and together you can determine what might be the best step to take next. Don’t suffer that pain indefinitely, because there could well be a remedy.